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Pool robots

Pool robots for keeping your pool clean and inviting

Pool robots are compact machines made for cleaning your pool. When having a pool in the garden, leaves and dirt will inevitably find their way into the pool. We recommend that you use a pool cover when the pool is not in use, but you will still have to use your pool robot from time to time. Whether you have an in-ground pool or an above-ground pool, you need to maintain it for you to enjoy clean and inviting water at all times. 

How often should you use the pool robot?

During the summer, when you use the pool the most – if you do like most pool owners - you may have to use your pool robot once or twice during a week. If you always cover the pool when you do not use it maybe you need to let the robot clean the bottom and sides of the pool a couple of times a week. However, if the water is cloudy and you can see debris on the bottom of the pool, then it is time to let out the pool robot again. If the water looks fine and clear, you can let the pool robot rest. 

A pool robot is an important part of maintaining your pool

If you do not use a pool robot or similar cleaning devise, your pool chemicals will have to work overtime trying to keep the water clear and fresh – but the pool will slowly turn dirty with cloudy and uninviting water. The pool robot helps the chemicals working their best and gives you the pool you want – fresh and inviting - especially on those hot summer days where you can’t wait to dive in. Furthermore, it is important that you choose a pool robot to match the size of your pool. We have a small cable-free pool robot as well as large and more powerful robots for larger pools. 

Pools and accessories like pool covers, ground covers, pumps and heaters 

Our various pool packages contain all you need to get started – except a pool robot! Whether you have an in-ground pool or one of the more affordable above-ground pools, it is a good idea to have a pool robot to clean the sides and bottom. Apart from the pool filter and skimmer, the pool robot will help keeping the pool fresh and inviting. Finally, you need some measuring equipment to test the water regularly. Again, use a pool cover when the pool is not in use to prevent leaves and more falling into the water. Do you have questions about our pool robots – or pools in general – please contact our Xperts by phone, e-mail or use our Chat.

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Our professional sales advisors are at your service. Call us on 0 203 936 8258 and 0 870 820 0008, Monday - Thursday 7:30 - 5:00 , Friday 7:30 - 4:00 , E-mail:











